Androsud: Antonini at Cardarelli Hospital in Naples for a Live Surgery of Hydraulic Penile Prosthesis

Androsud: Antonini at Cardarelli Hospital in Naples for a Live Surgery of Hydraulic Penile ProsthesisThe prestigious Androsud Annual Congress this year featured the extraordinary participation of Gabriele Antonini, a renowned urologist and andrologist, invited to Naples to perform a live surgery at Cardarelli Hospital. The event focused on the implantation of a hydraulic penile prosthesis using a minimally invasive infrapubic approach, a cutting-edge technique that promises to revolutionize the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Antonini’s invitation was extended by his colleague Maurizio Carrino, Director of the Simple Departmental Operative Unit (UOSD) of Andrology at Cardarelli. Dr. Carrino, known for his commitment to research and innovation in andrology, sought to bring to the congress a practical demonstration of one of the most advanced techniques in the field of prosthetic implants.

A Revolutionary Technique: Minimally Invasive Infrapubic Access
The procedure performed by Antonini captured the attention of many specialists present at the congress. The minimally invasive infrapubic approach for the implantation of a hydraulic penile prosthesis represents a significant evolution compared to traditional techniques. This method minimizes incisions and tissue trauma, improving recovery times and reducing post-operative complications for patients. During the surgery, Antonini illustrated the operation step-by-step, providing valuable insights and technical details to his colleagues. His expertise and innovative capabilities were evident, demonstrating why he is considered one of the leading figures in the field of urology and andrology on an international level.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Gabriele Antonini’s presence at the Androsud congress also provided an important opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among professionals in the field. Dr. Maurizio Carrino emphasized the importance of events like this for the continuous growth and updating of specialists, as well as for the improvement of clinical practices to benefit patients. “We are honored to have Dr. Antonini with us,” said Carrino. “His experience and skills add tremendous value to our congress and to the training of our specialists. Live surgery is a highly impactful educational tool that allows for direct learning from the best in the field.”

Gabriele Antonini’s intervention at Cardarelli Hospital in Naples during the Androsud Annual Congress marked a significant moment for the andrological community. The practical demonstration of innovative techniques such as the minimally invasive infrapubic approach for the implantation of a hydraulic penile prosthesis underscores the importance of continuous research and professional development to offer patients increasingly effective and safe solutions. Events like these strengthen collaboration between specialists and institutions, promoting excellence in the medical field and improving the quality of life for patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.